Lent isn’t meant to foster morbid gloominess and debilitating self-loathing, but to thrust us into the heart of Divine love.—From the Introduction
At the same time as reading the autobiography of St. Thérèse, Fr. Caster had an ‘ah ha’ moment that transformed his experience of Lent from one of narrow concern over what to surrender to one of joyful freedom to go into into the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ. “What struck me,” he says, “used to be her insistence on the way we do things for God and not the things we do for him. It wasn’t about what I used to be offering; it used to be about why.” The day-to-day Lenten meditations in this book—all colored by St. Thérèse’s Little Way of Spiritual Childhood—will change into you, too, helping you focus not such a lot on what you have done to offend God, but on what he has done to redeem you.
The audio edition of this book may also be downloaded via Audible.